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Convolvulus cneorum



Convolvulus cneorum is an evergreen shrub, cherished for its attractive silver foliage and delicate white flowers. With its low maintenance requirements and ornamental features, Convolvulus cneorum has gained popularity among gardeners and landscape enthusiasts. Beautiful funnel-shaped flowers add a touch of elegance to any garden setting. The flowers emerge in late spring to early summer and continue to bloom sporadically throughout the season. It will grow to about 2 to 3 ft (60 to 90cm) in a 10 year period.

Convolvulus cneorum


Convolvulus cneorum is a low growing shrub with narrow, silvery green, silky leaves. Wide funnel-shaped, white flowers have yellow centres. It grows to a Max Height of 60cm, and a Max Spread of 90cm. Convolvulus cneorum flowers April to June, and requires full sun. Frost hardy.


Convolvulus cneorum, commonly known as Silver Bush or Bush Morning Glory, is a stunning garden plant that belongs to the Convolvulaceae family. Native to the Mediterranean region, this evergreen shrub is cherished for its attractive silver foliage and delicate white flowers. With its low maintenance requirements and ornamental features, Convolvulus cneorum has gained popularity among gardeners and landscape enthusiasts.

The most striking feature of Convolvulus cneorum is its silvery-gray leaves. The leaves are oval-shaped, densely covered with silky, silvery hairs, which give the plant a luminous appearance. This silver foliage provides an excellent contrast when planted alongside other green-leaved plants, making it an ideal choice for creating visual interest in garden beds or borders. Additionally, the silver coloration of the leaves helps to reflect sunlight, which can reduce heat stress on the plant in hot climates.

In addition to its foliage, Convolvulus cneorum produces beautiful funnel-shaped flowers that add a touch of elegance to any garden setting. The flowers emerge in late spring to early summer and continue to bloom sporadically throughout the season. Each flower features five white petals with yellow centers, creating a stunning contrast against the silver foliage. These blooms not only attract bees and butterflies but also add a delightful fragrance to the garden, making Convolvulus cneorum a sensory delight. It will grow to about 2 to 3 ft (60 to 90cm) in a 10 year period.

One of the significant advantages of Convolvulus cneorum is its adaptability to various growing conditions. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, making it suitable for rock gardens, coastal areas, and Mediterranean-style landscapes. It is also a drought-tolerant plant, requiring minimal watering once established. However, it’s important to note that young plants may need regular watering until they develop a strong root system.

When it comes to maintenance, Convolvulus cneorum is a relatively low-maintenance plant. Pruning is not necessary, but occasional light trimming can help maintain a compact shape and promote bushier growth. Deadheading spent flowers will encourage continuous blooming. Applying a layer of organic mulch around the base of the plant can help conserve moisture and suppress weed growth. More plants can be obtained by taking semi ripe cuttings in summer.

Convolvulus cneorum can be grown as a standalone specimen or used in combination with other plants in mixed borders or containers. Its silver foliage acts as a fantastic backdrop for vibrant-colored flowers or as a contrast to darker foliage plants. It also makes an excellent ground cover, forming a dense mat of foliage that helps to suppress weeds. Whether used in formal or informal garden designs, this versatile plant never fails to add a touch of elegance and sophistication.

In conclusion, Convolvulus cneorum is a prized garden plant renowned for its stunning silver foliage and delicate white flowers. Its adaptability to various growing conditions, low maintenance requirements, and ornamental features make it a favorite among gardeners. Whether used as a standalone specimen, ground cover, or part of a mixed planting scheme, Convolvulus cneorum brings beauty and charm to any garden setting. With proper care and attention, this delightful plant will continue to captivate and enchant garden enthusiasts for years to come.

Plant Size

9cm, 2 Litre


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