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Polystichum tsussimense


Korean rock fern   

Polystichum tsussimense, the Korean Rock Fern features beautiful, glossy, dark green fronds that are gracefully arching. The fronds are leathery in texture and have serrated edges, giving the fern a distinct and eye-catching look. The fronds can reach a height of about 2 feet, creating a lovely canopy of foliage, with great architectural appeal.

Polystichum tsussimense

Korean rock fern

The Korean Rock Fern features beautiful, glossy, dark green fronds that are gracefully arching. The fronds are leathery in texture and have serrated edges, giving the fern a distinct and eye-catching look. The fronds can reach a height of about 2 feet, creating a lovely canopy of foliage, with great architectural appeal.


Polystichum tsussimense, also known as the Korean Rock Fern, is a stunning garden fern that adds elegance and texture to any landscape. This evergreen fern belongs to the Polystichum genus and is native to Korea and parts of eastern Asia. With its striking appearance and easy maintenance, Polystichum tsussimense has become a popular choice among gardeners and landscaping enthusiasts.

The Korean Rock Fern features beautiful, glossy, dark green fronds that are gracefully arching. The fronds are pinnate, meaning they are divided into leaflets arranged along a central stem. These leaflets are leathery in texture and have serrated edges, giving the fern a distinct and eye-catching look. The fronds can reach a height of about 2 feet, creating a lovely canopy of foliage.

One of the notable characteristics of Polystichum tsussimense is its adaptability to various growing conditions. It thrives in both sun and shade, although it prefers partial shade or dappled sunlight. This fern can tolerate a wide range of soil types, including loam, clay, and sandy soil. However, it requires well-drained soil to prevent waterlogging, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot. Adding organic matter to the soil can improve its fertility and drainage.

Polystichum tsussimense is a relatively low-maintenance plant, making it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. Once established, it requires minimal care. Regular watering is necessary during the initial stages of growth to help the plant establish its root system. Afterward, the fern is quite drought-tolerant and can withstand short periods of dryness. However, it’s important to provide adequate moisture during prolonged dry spells, especially in hotter climates.

Pruning is generally unnecessary for Polystichum tsussimense. However, removing any damaged or yellowing fronds can help maintain its neat appearance. In colder regions, the fronds may turn brown during winter, but they typically regain their green color in spring when new growth emerges. Mulching around the base of the plant can help protect the roots and retain moisture, especially in harsh winter conditions.

Polystichum tsussimense can be a versatile addition to various garden styles and settings. Its lush foliage and compact growth habit make it suitable for borders, woodland gardens, rock gardens, and even container gardening. It pairs well with other shade-loving plants, such as hostas, astilbes, and heucheras, creating a visually appealing and harmonious display.

In terms of propagation, Polystichum tsussimense can be grown from spores or by dividing the plant’s clumps. Spore propagation requires patience and expertise, as it is a more intricate process. Dividing the clumps can be done in early spring or early fall, and the resulting divisions can be replanted in suitable locations.

Like many ferns, Polystichum tsussimense is relatively pest and disease resistant. However, it’s essential to monitor for common garden pests like slugs and snails, which may occasionally feed on the foliage. Vigilance and employing appropriate pest control methods, such as organic slug pellets or handpicking, can help protect the plant from any potential damage.

Polystichum tsussimense, the Korean Rock Fern, is a captivating garden plant that offers beauty, versatility, and low maintenance. Its glossy, dark green fronds and graceful growth habit make it a valuable addition to any garden or landscape. With its adaptability to different growing conditions and minimal care requirements, this fern is a fantastic choice for both beginners and experienced gardeners seeking an elegant and enduring plant for their outdoor spaces.

Plant Size

9cm, 2 Litre


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